Introducing Janel Ridenhour, our new narrator. She has plenty going on at the moment, not only with the time-consuming labor of narrating a full-length book, but also completion of her first album of jazz recordings.
Janel is a longtime friend and graciously gave consent for me to use an on-stage photo of her for the cover of Are We A Band Yet?, and of course, her eyes grace the cover of The Green Scarf, also one of her eyes is seen in the rear view mirror on the cover of Spy Hunt.
We created a recording studio just for her
and discovered that she can do her best singing over a pre-recorded track instead of live in a larger studio. Separation of the instrumental tracks and the voice tracks have improved the quality and excitement of her recordings enormously. We’ll have much more to say about the creation of a professional studio for the do-it-yourselfers, and a discussion of what hardware and software we chose as well as an explanation of good practice using a DAW for voice.
Here is a sample of her narration of my book Geminknot:
Janel’s album is nearing completion, and we will post a sample of her work in a future blog.